If you know me, you know that for the better part of 4 years, Gene traveled. The story below was from one of the most challenging moments during his traveling. His mom was married in Phoenix, we lived in NC, and his work, where he traveled every week, was in Nashville. If Carrie Pendergrass or Ginger Jolley are reading, you were angels. xox
one of those "gene will never understand the sacrifices I made for him" moments was getting all 3 kids to the airport - met him en route, in nashville - One of them had a fever, I don't remember which one - Ev was 9 mos, Ernie was 3, and Dru was 6 - to the airport - with 3 car seats, all the luggage - so we could go to his mother's wedding - I had sent most of the stuff to Arizona for his birthday, where we celebrated at a train park. The "I'll help you once you arrive in Nashville" attitude blew my mind. Just because the *flight* is longer from nashville to phoenix does not mean you actually *helped* one iota! My neighbor across the street dropped us off and picked us up, which was a God-send (she used my van) While there, Ernie barfed (the morning of his party, couldn't cancel because we were all out of state with no backup plan!), Ev had some funk, and I think Dru had a fever the morning we got on a plane to come home. One day I'll write a book. No one will buy it - but I will have written a book. ;)
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